Sell Property Worldwide
Change Your Future

Earn a Great Income selling property worldwide, from our ready made database of properties, backed by a company with over 15 years experience, and fantastic support teams in 3 countries.

Earn a Great Income selling property worldwide, from our ready made database of properties, backed by a company with over 15 years experience, and fantastic support teams in 3 countries.

  • Your Property Portal

  • Ready Loaded With Properties

  • Indexed In Google

  • Training & Support Provided

  • Your Benefits

    • Supported by 15+ years in business
    • Staff in UK, South Africa & USA
    • Thousands of Properties Worldwide
    • Fantastic Sales Commissions
    • Work from anywhere
  • Option 1

    • Your Own Property Portal
    • Fantastic Property Sales Commissions
    • 1000s of Properties Ready Loaded
    • Sell your own properties
    • 7 Days a week support
  • Option 2

    • Includes all of Option 1 and
    • Add your own Rental Properties
    • Flights & Hotel Booking System
    • Commission on Travel/Inspection Visits
    • Commission on Hotel Bookings
  • Option 3

    • Includes all of Option 1 & 2 and
    • Sell our Property, Travel & Partner Options
    • and receive 35% commission
    • Live Marketing Training 3 times a week and more
    • Join our Ready Made Mentor Programme

Some key features with our packages

  • Your Own Property Website

    We provide you with your own Property Portal website linked to our property database and enquiry systems. You can also upload your own properties and make them available across our complete sales network.

  • Income Potential | Sales

    Average Property Sale @ R5m Average Commission = R250,000 50% Commission to you = R125,000 With 1 Average Sale Per Month = R1,5m+ per year

  • Income Potential | Rentals

    Average Rental for 3 weeks @ R90,000 Average Commission = R9,000 50% Commission to you = R4,500 With 3 Average Sales Per Week = R700,000+ per year

  • Professional Back-Up Team

    Experienced and professional back-up team in 3 countries, providing fantastic support, guidance and knowledge 7 days a week , with 94% of enquiries answered within 1 hour in office hours.

  • Live Training & Videos

    Access our Live Marketing Training & Videos to assist you in learning to market your business across Social Media, PPC, Email, Google and more to drive customers to your business.

  • Get Started in 24 Hours

    We setup and launch your Ready Made Property Partner Site with your chosen name with full access to all of our support and services, ready to start , within 24 Hours !

  • Option 1

    Start your Online Property business in 24 hours with the Ready Made Property Portal , 7 days a week support and Access to our Live Marketing Training & Videos, for R13000.

  • Option 2

    All the benefits of option 1 and your own Live Flights & Travel bookings & travel store included giving you clients access to easy travel for their trips, for R14000.

  • Option 3

    All the benefits of option 1 and 2 , and the additional income stream of selling our property , travel and Ready Made Partner options all for R15000.

With these Great Benefits

  • Immediate Properties

    Immediate access to our 1000's of properties worldwide.

  • High Commissions

    The success of our business depends on your success, we provide you with a high 50% commission on all sales and rentals generated through your Ready Made Property Portal , ensuring great income for you.

  • Professional Backup

    From a company that has been selling and renting property for many years.

  • Booming Market

    Property Sales & Rentals are a booming market with many opportunities.

  • Sell your own properties

    Easily add your own properties and make them available to all RMP sites.

  • Start Up in 24 Hours

    To start your own Ready Made Property Business all we charge is a nominal setup fee and small monthly maintenance fee. When we receive your application we will register the name of your choice and have you running in 24 hours.

Check Out Our Live Sites

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